About Us
Newry Credit Union is a not-for-profit financial organisation. We are one of the largest Credit Unions in the North of Ireland.
Newry Credit Union is owned by its Members who each possess shares in the organisation. Each year after running cost is accounted for, any ‘profit’ is returned to Members in improved services and in dividends on savings and in interest rebates on loans.
Each year our Auditors recommend what the Dividend and Interest Rebate should be, and our members then vote to accept it. In 2024 our proposed Dividend is 1% and the Interest Rebate is 23% if accepted.
Our Staff & Volunteers
Although the day to day management and administration of Newry Credit Union is undertaken by paid staff, Newry Credit Union, in common with other Credit Unions, is dependent on local volunteers, who are elected every year at the Annual General Meeting.
The Board of Directors of Newry Credit Union, the Supervisory Committee and the Credit Committee are all volunteers who generously give their time, skills and experience to ensure that Newry Credit Union maintains its high regard, not just in the local community, but amongst other Credit Unions.
Newry Credit Union has over 30 staff made up of a variety of full time, part time and Saturday staff.
In addition to the Management team, positions held in Newry Credit Union include Cashiers, Loans Officers, Credit Control Officers and a Training and Marketing Officer.